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With over 10 years of experience in China and abroad, JITC has developed the various comprehensive approaches to cater to every induvial project. Whether it's small commodities, machinery or highly customized products, our team is ready to deliver.

Product Procurement

Every individual project is different, and induvial client requirements vary widely, however with our extensive market research and broad manufacturer relations in China, we are able to provide quality products at the best prices. 

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Brand Development

Do you have an idea in mind for a highly marketable idea from China and unsure where to start? Well, that's where our brand building department steps in. China is home to every single product and anything sold worldwide, and our team is ready to help develop a brand at every stage, which includes custom designs, custom packaging, custom specifications and others.

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Warehousing & Logistics

JITC specializes in China exports & imports, and we have efficiently developed a worldwide chain of shipping channels and warehouses. We partner with the leading shipping lines to provide our clients the premier shipping prices to every continent. Moreover, our warehouses have been integrated for systematic follow up and safe keeping.

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Personal Consultation

As China opens up it's door to increased foreign trade, we welcome all types of individual projects. Our team is prepared to provide tailored advise according each clients' requirements. We deliver one on one consultancy with complete straight forwardness to catapult any project in the right direction. 

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